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Who Benefits from Shamrock Run Proceeds?


The Tipperary Hill Shamrock Run benefits the Tipperary Hill Neighborhood Association, a 501c3 corporation. One of the major missions of the organization is neighborhood beautification. Some of the funds are used to plant and tend 11 green space gardens throughout Tipp Hill. The neighborhood association also funds a scholarship for a qualifying graduating senior and has provided grants to multiple non-profit organizations in the neighborhood, including Rosamond Gifford Zoo, Porter School, All Saints School, Parkview Junior Academy, PSLA at Fowler, Arc of Onondaga, The Little Leprechaun League, West End PBA Little League, Boys and Girls Club, St. Patrick/St, Brigid Food Pantry, Hazard Branch Library and more. Over the years the association has funded $25,000 in projects at Pass Arboretum and has planted hundreds of trees on city right of ways on Tipp Hill.


For years, thousands of runners have opted to make donations to the St. Patrick Hunger Project when they register.  That will be an option again this year.  We are also adding anoption to support “Green Up Tipp Hill” to help us plant more trees up here. Any money donated via the website will be used to buy more trees.  


Hunger Project


The mission of the St. Patrick Hunger Project is to help support our community network of hunger-related agencies in meeting the food needs of the individuals and families they serve. By educating Central New Yorkers about “An Gorta Mor”* (the Great Hunger) in Ireland, we hope to focus the efforts of fellow Syracusans, on the need to fight hunger year round—especially during the month of March when food supplies at the agencies are lower.


We are asking this year's race participants & spectators to bring either a food donation of non-perishable canned or boxed food or a monetary donation to the:

“St. Patrick Hunger Fund” c/o Food Bank of CNY
7066 Interstate Island Road, Syracuse, NY 13209 (315) 437-1899

Donations will be distributed through the Interreligious Food Consortium and the Food Bank of CNY.

The St. Patrick Hunger Project is sponsored by the Syracuse St. Patrick Parade Committee.



*During the famine years in Ireland, one million men, women and children starved to death even though resources were available that could have prevented one of history’s worst tragedies. In our own community, we have the resources to make a difference, and to make sure that no individual goes hungry in Syracuse in 2025.


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